Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Blog Flash 2012: Day 29

This is the twenty-ninth entry out of the thirty I'm attempting. It is part of a series of thirty entries so I hope you'll read each daily post to find out what happens in the end.
Thank you for reading!
We're so very close to the end, dear readers! 
29. Masquerade

Source -

She darted out of Miss Charleston’s carriage, hurrying a ‘thank you.’
The staff was conveniently vacant when she entered the estate. And, inconveniently, for she’d lost herself a few times already. Dazedly, she stopped at the drawing room.
He came to a stand. “Alisa?”
She gave him no answer. Immediately closer, her hands were palming over him in a feverish search. “Was this a masquerade? Aren’t you unwell?”
He chuckled warmly. “If you’d like me to be, hand me a fire-tender.”
“That’s not funny.” She looked up desperately. “Why did you leave?”
He was suddenly solemn. “For your own good.”


  1. Oh, they are having an honest to goodness conversation!! Now we're getting somewhere!! :)

  2. Love the picture with it too...get that fire raging!

  3. So it was a trick! I hope this helps them finally open up!


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