Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Blog Flash 2012: Day 21

This is the twenty-first entry out of the thirty I'm attempting.  It is part of a series of thirty entries so I hope you'll read each daily post to find out what happens in the end.
Thank you for reading!

21. Night

Source - http://tavenerscholar.deviantart.com/

By the time night had fallen, he was only minutes away from Devonshire.
“I want no more and no less in exchange for my silence,” she repeated.
“That’s ludicrous! What the hell would you do with that large a sum?”
Miss Charleston’s eyes stared back at him, cold and unrelenting.  “We are not discussing this, Mr Hurst. Will you agree to my proposition or will you allow Miss Sheffield’s reputation to suffer?
The money had been discretely conveyed and he’d vowed that Alisa would be safe from her.
He slowed near an inn.
If only she could’ve been from him.


I'd love to know your thoughts on this, so do share.