Sunday, August 19, 2012

Blog Flash 2012: Day 19

This is the nineteenth entry out of the thirty I'm attempting.  It is part of a series of thirty entries so I hope you'll read each daily post to find out what happens in the end.
Thank you for reading!
19. Fireworks

Although his thoughts were anything but gentlemanly now.
Hell, but he really ought not to traverse that path. And she really could do her part, cover herself up a little more; her face, her chestnut hair, that damned waist.
“Yes, I suppose they would.”
The most thankful little smile touched her face then. How he loved it, how he wanted to protect it, that expression, as fleeting and mesmerising as a firework.
Hold it tight, warm, near…
His arms came around her and for the second time in his life, he kissed her, and he knew life. He felt it.


  1. Oh, this is the sweetest use of fireworks!! Love it!! :)

    1. I agree - this is a fantastic way to use the prompt! I love the final words: "He felt it."

  2. That's beautiful! Very creatively used prompt.

  3. So sweet. Poetic and beautifully written. Love this, Afsaneh!


I'd love to know your thoughts on this, so do share.